Health Tips

Insomnia or Problem with Sleep

Insomnia or inability to sleep can be very problematic. Not able to fall as sleep or maintain sleep could result in feeling fatigued, tired and irritable. All of us have experienced occasional insomnia at some point of life. However when it happens on a regular basis then it poses a […]


Health and Medical Services

Concierge Medical of Naples is established with the aim to provide medical care in a very personalized, compassionate and caring environment. At the Concierge Medical of Naples, Dr. Khan who is a two year fellowship trained double boarded experienced Geriatrician and Internist with ability to handle complex medical problems, will […]


Concierge Doctor

Concierge medicine also known as boutique medicine, direct care is a relationship between a patient and a primary care physician in which the patient pays an annual fee or retainer for enhanced services. To be able to provide personalized enhanced care, physician accepts fewer number of patients usually around 300. […]


Benefits of Concierge Medicine

There are many benefits of Concierge Medicine services of Dr. Khan. Besides getting services from a highly qualified Fellowship trained double boarded geriatrician and internist you will also get: •24/7 access to Dr. Khan via cell phone and email. •Same-day service and appointments.