Obayedur Khan, MD, FACP

Health Education By Dr. Khan on Prevention of Disease and Maintenance of Health

On May 17, 2015 Dr. Khan presented a very informative health education on the subject of Prevention of Disease and Maintenance of Health. The program took place at Hilton Naples and was well received by the attendees. “It was so informative and useful, I did not know many of the information presented. I have decided to take care of myself from now on” says one of the participants. During the program Dr. Khan presented a lot of valuable information from cancer screening to vaccination, amount and quantity of daily exercise to maintain healthy life. He also presented how a person can increase his life expectancy by simply following certain routine on a daily basis. At the end of the presentation, a question and answer session took place where Dr. Khan answered many questions. Since the program was so successful and well attended, a similar health education event will be arranged By Dr. Khan in the Fall of 2015.

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